Thursday, March 18, 2010

Story Song

Song title: Sorry, Blame It On Me
Song artist: Akon

Plot: He's apologizing to his wife and family for some of things he wishes he could of done better.


Conflict: His illegal activity verses his family!

Theme: His priority should of been his family and now his having to apologize for things he's done wrong.

Setting: Akon the main character is talking to his family trying to fix things.


  1. This is a good song for this assignment. There's a true back story to this song as well. It might be interesting to use that as part of the adaptation too.

    I don't think he fully takes responsibility in the song, though. He blames the girl, he blames the club, he blames the press, society. Even though he says you can put the blame on me, I don't think he fully takes responsibility.

  2. Good song! He lets people know they can blame him probably because he had influinced them to do the things they did. Weather they were god or bAD.
